Saturday, September 20, 2014


On a sunny afternoon I sat at my piano to play a few hymns.  Silas, our chocolate Lab, settled in beside me, knowing I'd be there awhile.  After a couple stanzas of a couple hymns, Silas' body seized.  I knelt down on the floor with him and the stillness of death entered the room, stopping his heart.  And all within a matter of seconds our Silas dog was gone.

There is such sadness.  And eleven and a half years of memories.  And tears.  And smiles.

He was a dog well loved and it is an honor to have been loved by him.

This is the first morning after.  He enjoyed a good morning, happy to simple BE in that moment.  So this morning as I did my chores outside, instead of having him as my ever present companion, there were tears.  But I saw beauty through those tears.  When I couldn't focus my eyes, the camera lens focused and captured some of the morning sights.

Rebuilding after a rainy night...

This web was receiving a beating from the breeze that whipped through
but the spider held tight.

1 comment:

  1. Awe Eli. . . so sad for you and the family. He was a good companion and friend to you. He will be missed.
