Saturday, December 1, 2018

fear is a patient friend

Fear is sticky.

It holds your hand or your foot.  It grasps firmly upon your heart.

It sits heavily on your shoulders and whispers carefully crafted words into your ear.

Whatever lies you need to hear to be stuck, to remain paralyzed.

Whatever it takes to cause you to believe that change is impossible.

Fear is a patient friend, withstanding every effort for change.

There is no forgetting in fear, every memory that solidifies fear's presence can be replayed in an instant.

Lies are manufactured in fear's belly, exuded like molten lava, changing the landscape.


Fear is a mirage.

If a soul can but pry one sticky finger, then another, then another and slowly, yet slowly

cast the gaze on freedom, cast the gaze forward into the light of all possibility

then step one heavy foot and the other, casting off the muck and weight of fear.

Step out of the shadows and freedom awaits there.

It's where you were meant for from the beginning.

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