Monday, May 5, 2014


Listening...  The chicks are chirping contentedly, one of my favorite sounds.  A soft breeze is blowing my windchime, a gift from my sister ages ago.

Eating...  For lunch here in a bit we will be having chicken gyozas and brown rice/vegetable stir fry. 

Drinking...  If there is ever a question, this answer is most always COFFEE.  Today it is some Folgers with Bailey's caramel creamer.

Wearing...  My yoga gear and pigtail braids.

Feeling...  Said yoga gear was for my yoga class this morning which always leaves me feeling limber, warm, and strong.  Today we did inverted plow (translation: I'm on my back and my feet are on the floor behind my head) and some inverted wheels over a big exercise ball (translation: the ball is so soft I don't realize I'm bending in half backwards).

Weather...  Spring in the northwest is any combination of rain/sun/wind/clouds, with the combo changing every five minutes.  At this moment the sun is shining but there are dark clouds on the other side of the sky.

Enjoying... The smell of the lilac sprig I brought in the other day.  I was pleased to discover a lilac bush in bloom on the side of the house I rarely visit.  The scent of lilac brings back my childhood like almost no other scent.  We had a house whose yard was lined in lilacs.  I'd burrow under their smooth branches and play cars or build forts or pet kittens.  It was a happy place and always that scent transports me right back.

The chicks had their first taste of plain organic yogurt this morning.  I introduce new things in the palm of my hand so they've learned to associate my hands with good treats and come running.  They loved the yogurt but were so messy with it!  They also love crushed oats, cornmeal, quinoa, and worms.  Their wing feathers are coming in splendidly and their little tails are growing.
This is Pearl.  She likes new foods and spots bugs easily.

This is Braveheart.  She is brave.  She is daring.

Nuggets.  She likes to roost on the Tinkertoy roost we put in their brooder.

Mintie and Pearl take a nap.

Not pictured here is Elsa.  She is shy.  And possibly the prettiest of all.


  1. Your Monday sounds very relaxing.
    The chicks are so cute. I bet you can't wait to get fresh eggs! They are SO much better.
    We get our eggs from my parents, they have many, many chickens.
    In our small town of 197 people, we are only allowed 3 chickens. It's not worth it to us...we'll just keep getting eggs from my parents.

    I love the smell of lilacs. One of my favorites. We used to have a bush in our backyard when we first moved into our house...but we put up a fence and down it had to come. :(

    Happy New Week to you. :)

  2. Ah, spring!! Love your chickens. I am jealous. I love the smell of lilacs too. They also remind me of that same house. Love You!

  3. Love the chick pictures. We have two banty roosters. I was hoping for hens. They turned out to be roosters. I also have fresh picked lilacs from my bush, sitting on the window sill in my home made clay vase from Miss Mae. They are delightful.
